#Doom level editor cross platform update#
Designers could indeed update their whitebox (we called them greybox) mesh in Maya, hit the export button, and the changes would show up in game while they were still playing it.

Instead of having to deal with a typically complex art pipeline for whitebox iteration, CSG brush tools give level designers a way to iterate in-engine, often while the game is running.FWIW we had real-time refreshing of most assets, including level art. While you're not going to make "final art" all that often using built-in brush tools, they speed up the process of whiteboxing significantly. You still want to have some form of space partitioning, simply building a complex scene in a 3D package and dropping it into a game will result in some really awful performance. While BSP isn't a good choice for rendering anymore (it was a good thing before we got VBOs or back when we used APIs like Glide to send our geometry to the graphicscard triangle by triangle) its still useful for things like colission detection. (We can render a 50.000 triangle VBO with a single drawcall, with BSP that 50.000 triangle object would have to be hundreds or even thousands of smaller objects and while quite many of them wouldn't be rendered at all those that do get rendered would need a drawcall each, with the speed of modern GPUs the cost of a drawcall is very high by comparison to the cost of rendering a triangle) With modern hardware this is less important and can even reduce performance as while it keeps the trianglecount down it increases the number of drawcalls you have to make. The main point behind BSP was to reduce the number of triangles sent to the graphicscard to an absolute minimum. So what do you guys think? Is it still an important tool or do you think that is something that is not really needed anymore.
#Doom level editor cross platform professional#
This seems like a very dated feature and it seems like you could create much better geometry in a professional 3D package instead. I am looking at writing a new level editor, all the editors I have looked at like Hammer and UnrealEd have a BSP brush based system for drawing basic geometry.